House Rules


Your character dies when you reach a number of hit points equal to your negative constitution score. i.e. Gilead is struck down by a goblin's spear, reducing his total of 4 hp by 6. This reduces him to -2 hp. With a constitution score of 14, Gilead is safe. Until Smirlak the Unwashed retrieves his dirty spear and proceeds to bash in Gilead's skull.

Displacement/Cover/Percentage Miss Chance:

There are certain magical and mundane effects that grant an amount of cover or displacement (represented as xx%). In situations where an opponent has cover and is being attacked, the percentage given for the cover or displacement is the low end of the die and is therefore the number that has to be beaten. i.e. If Blanse the Warrior of the North is taking heavy fire and decides to crouch behind a low wall, this will grant him 40% cover. Any attacker must first roll higher than Blanse's AC, THEN roll higher than 40% on a d100.

Last Stand:

Being reduced to -1 hit points grants your character (as well as any Non-Player Character) access to a last stand attack. This means that your character will get an action on their very next turn prior to falling unconscious, but will be the last individual to act in that round. This gives you the opportunity to come up with something cool for your character to do, as well as a description beyond the norm for said action.
Do not say "I attack him with my longsword," but instead something like "I sweep my longsword in a broad stroke, tearing through my opponents feeble leather armor and spilling his guts out in front of him. Following that, I immediately collapse in the steaming pile of innards at his feet."
A last stand attack will always hit, and almost always do critical damage. However, two things must be noted: truly ridiculous actions may be nerfed a bit for the sake of the story; and, you must still roll to attack. Should you roll a critical hit, damage will be increased by a factor of one (x2 becomes x3, x3 becomes x4, x4 becomes x5).

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